I've come to the decision that there are so many things I can do to give myself a much better chance of becoming calmer and healthier. So today is the day I start putting it all into action! I went to Slimming World last night with Natalie (she is doing amazing by the way!) because I want to lose a small amount of weight, but also to force me to choose healthy choices which ultimately are good for your body and mind. So today is the first day of my slimming world choices, I'm looking forward to the positive effects eating well brings!
Also I've been on antibiotics, which as we all know make you feel hideous! So I've finished that course now, which means bring on the supplements! I've done a fair bit of research on what ones would be helpful in helping me feel calmer and more settled. I've mentioned all of these in a previous post in a lot more detail. These include, St Johns wort, Omega 3, Magnesium, B12 and a vitamin C just to keep my immune system boosted.
I do really think its important that for me personally I do take some time to do some calming exercises. I always dismiss the importance of this when actually it is probably the most important of all. These include yoga, and meditation exercises. Ok, for most of you, that will sound bonkers, but it's not actually what you think! There are meditation CDs you can buy, that you just listen to, laying down, whilst just doing gentle breathing exercises. This includes breathing in to a count of 6, hold for 4, out for 8. Or similar. You have no idea how calming they are, literally, helps empty your mind to count. I can't stress that enough! Really, we should all take at least 30 minutes a day to quietly relax, and that doesn't include infront of the box. Yoga has been around for thousands of years, it does help, I'm pretty sure it's been proven that regular yoga can help calm and ease depression in individuals.
Basically what im saying is you get out what you put in. If you're out partying, drinking, smoking, eating hungover takeaways, it's most likely to aggrevate your anxiety. How unfortunate! It may make your feel better temporarily, but you need to think of the long term.
I do think all these three factors for me will have some sort of effect. It's going to be hard to implement them all, but, I'm giving it a go. I'll report back in a week on this post, squeeze your fingers for me that it's an improvement!
Oh and of course, I'm off to that CBT therapist tomorrow. Be interesting to see what they have to say!
Anyway, I'm off to go and have a healthy breakfast and get these supplements down me!
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