Friday, 27 September 2013

Stress and Society.....

So I guess this is a little update from me, I've disappeared for a fair few months, I guess I was concentrating on being me again!

Basically I seemed to pull myself (slowly) out of whatever weird stress breakdown I'd found myself in, and have recovered almost back to a normal level. I still find myself feeling a little blue and a little anxious, but on the whole, 80% better. 

What has alarmed me over the recent months though, is how frequently I am hearing other people's stories of how they are going through the same negative downward spirals of anxiety and stress. It makes me wonder, what on earth is going on??

Are you someone (male or female) that has got to a period on their life where you just aren't coping with everyday life? Stressed, panicking, not sleeping, eating disappeared or gone wild, chest get my drift. I find it very unsettling to hear other people who seem to be stuck in the same loop that I was and most likely will get stuck in again. What are we meant to be doing to help ourselves? We aren't meant to struggle on like this, it's draining, life altering and so very tiring. 

Are we expected too much of as human beings? Society pressures on looking a certain way, keeping up with the joneses, having a certain number of possessions? When really, what is the point if you're struggling to do certain tasks without being on the verge of a massive freak out. 

I guess one oddly nice thing to come out of this is that we aren't alone, that person down the street you believed you had nothing in common with, or that you didn't like, actually may be more like you than you'd ever imagine. Give people a break.....that's my new motto. Don't like the way someone's behaving......? Try and picture what they could be going through right now. That's my new mindset anyway. 

Those odd thoughts you have that make you question yourself.....I have them too. 

Those thoughts that you have about not being where you want in life.....I have them too. 

Those pressures you put on yourself about feeling happy, being happy, fitting in.....I have them too. 

Hmmmmm, maybe I'm not so weird after all. Maybe I've just got a bigger louder voice than others. Come shout with me if you like. 

Peach x

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